The Stepping Stone residential program centers around moving clients through a progressive recovery journey, tailored to their treatment needs. The process starts with acclimation to the program, and then provides a solid foundation for long-term successful recovery. Stepping Stone is a leader and innovator in providing evidence-based clinical and educational groups to our clients. Below is a general outline of the experience.
Please note that our staff works with each individual client to create a program specific to their needs and clinical treatment guidelines.
During the orientation phase, clients will focus on getting familiar with the program rules, structure, community activities, and treatment group schedule. Clients will focus specifically on the program while resisting outside distractions. Medical/Mental Health/Legal issues that may interfere with your ability to successfully complete the program will be assessed and a plan of action for addressing them will be developed. This is a time for assessment in order for staff to evaluate whether this program is the right level of support for you, no passes will be granted during this period. A “buddy” will be assigned to you to help answer questions and give you guidance during this period. You will be assigned a primary counselor and therapist. Clients are required to complete all necessary assessments, paperwork and to develop your first treatment plan.
Stabilization / Acute Care
During the Stabilization phase, your focus will be on continuing to adhere to the program rules and structure while identifying patterns of behavior related to relapse or “old behaviors.” You will start looking at “people, places, and things” that are present in your life that do not support your recovery. You will begin to replace those with more appropriate “people, places, and things” – “new behaviors.”
You will be completing the core curriculum requirements for Acute Care during this phase. Your counselor will give you the mandatory group schedule. Stabilization Phase is to help you explore areas of your life that are in need of change. Clients will be granted various privileges. Such as clients will be allowed to request for a day pass every other week and attend outside meetings. Privileges are based on individual client’s history, progress and compliance with treatment rules and regulations.
Supportive Recovery / Continued Care
Supportive Care phase is the beginning of the Continued Care component of the treatment program. During the Supportive Recovery Phase your focus will be on Self-Sufficiency and Continued Recovery. You have completed core curriculum and it is time to start focusing on increasing your knowledge about addiction and recovery by challenging you and having you attend advanced treatment workshops and activities to promote health and support recovery. This will allow you to start preparing for your future outside of treatment. This plan should include employment options, job skills training, or educational plan if feasible. If you are on disability, you will be required to start developing a plan of how you will spend your time when you exit the program.
A part-time on-going volunteer commitment or a service commitment will be the minimum requirement for graduation. Clients will start to prepare living and treatment arrangements for when they transition. Counselor and staff will guide you to the appropriate resources for financial/housing assistance and basic necessities.
Extended Recovery / Continued Care
Extended Recovery Phase is the second half of Continued Care component of the treatment program. During the Extended Recovery Phase your focus will be on preparing to transition from treatment and to begin to rely on your outside Recovery Support System. You have completed all of the treatment education requirements and it is time to start processing what this time has meant to you and to strengthen your commitment to long-term recovery. Your treatment plan will include educational and employment goals. Once clients complete the program, they may attend Aftercare and Alumni meetings.
Staff will assist clients in achieving their treatment plan goals by obtaining a stable sober living environment and resources to successfully transition out of treatment.
Family and Friends
Family and friend support is essential to long-lasting recovery. We have put together some guidelines to help outline our expectations and rules pertaining to friends and family interactions during the residential phase.